Products to improve the power

Force for men in a large extent depends on the general level of health. Therefore, among the young, it is typically located in the excess. With age, under the influence of many factors of the health worsens, the nervous system begins to function improperly, it is reflected on the sexual activity.

Products to improve the power

To save the possibilities sexual enough care of their health, avoiding bad habits and products that contain:

  • Cancer-causing substances, preservatives, flavor enhancers;
  • Increase the amount of fat (animal, plant);
  • High concentrations of salt and sugar.

To find out which products increase power, enough to become acquainted with their chemical composition. On the conservation of the libido that strongly influence these substances:

  • Vitamin A (retinol) helps to strengthen the immune system protects the body against any negative influence;
  • The vitamins of the B group (thiamine, niacin, folic acid, pyridoxine) have an influence on the central nervous system and the blood vessels, favourable to the erection;
  • Selenium is necessary for the preservation of fertility (the possibility of procreation) and the production of testosterone;
  • Zinc affects the activity of testosterone synthesis, increases the immune power of the body, maintains the health of the prostate.

Some useful substances are not capable of sustaining sexual stamina. Food for the power to be different, taken in the composition of daily meals by the plan. And that especially must be of sufficient quantity, but not to overload the digestive system.

Products to improve the erection

Centuries of experience has allowed us to determine the most effective products and revenue of the security and to improve male potency. The number of these products are:

  • The quail eggs are especially useful, and not just for the male body. They are able to display radionuclides, contain a triple, in comparison with the chicken, the number of stimulating power of the substances. Value increases in conjunction with the chives without other ingredients;
  • Nuts (pistachios, almonds, walnuts, peanuts) are useful in any form, but to enhance the effect of their often combine with the honey, strong natural stimulant;
  • The vegetables (turnips, peppers, cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, carrots, beets) and fruits (kiwis, bananas, mangoes, figs) are the natural source of vitamins, contribute to the elimination of toxins and stimulates the work of the vessels;
  • Seafood (fatty fish, sea water, oysters, anchovies, crabs) are a source of minerals and precious polyunsaturated fatty acids, which improves the vascular and the endocrine system;
  • Dairy products, meat, sources of complete and natural protein for the proper functioning of all systems of the body.

Of particular importance is the method of preparation of the products. If they are not eaten raw, the heat treatment must be gentle: a couple in boiled or baked form. Some products are pretty flush of boiling water.

Herbs to improve the power

The grass, increasing the power

In the pantry of the knowledge of different peoples of the world, there are a lot of recipes to be effective to improve the ability of men to introduction and to complete the sexual act:

  • A particular application of dandelion leaves, which are harvested at the time of flowering. Of them to prepare a salad with eggs and green onions, which is used in the course of the week;
  • Herbalists recommend the following mix: 200 g of raisins, prunes, figs (seedless) cut, add the core 12 walnuts. Take 2 tablespoons of the afternoon to store in the cold;
  • The infusion of garlic, chopped and moistened with water, the need to shake every day for a month. After this, the tool to take 1 tablespoon each day until it is finished. To 3 liters of water take 1 kg of garlic. The drug improves the power, the positive effect on the erection and rejuvenates the body in general.

The fruit to be an aphrodisiac

Aphrodisiacs are products that enhance the libido. Strengthen the ability to full sexual life, you can not only tropical fruits, and the fruits that grow on the territory of the former soviet union:

  • Strawberries and strawberries at home and wood do not contain only a precious set of vitamins and minerals, but have a strong stimulating smell;
  • The raspberry contains a large number of zinc, which is why it is called natural addendum;
  • Apricots and peaches, although not purely of the local culture, are considered as a breastplate erectile of the ability of the tool;
  • The grapes stimulates the production of sex hormones;
  • The quinces and the apples have many useful properties, especially for men — an increase of the power, for women emotional unloading.

Effective tools in the pharmacy

If you do not know how to improve the power, mainly tidied up the general health, get rid of the stress and set the mode of the day. Try to make the experience a pleasant one that you like and don't forget the importance of motor activity. Alone, in association with a proper diet unable to ensure the good functioning of all organs and systems, including the genitals.